Winter has settled down and thus begins a few months of shut in life. You’d think i would start on negative stuff as its been my custom these past several months but no. Its actually going well. We met our first patreon milestone! Thanks to many generous people bringing me hope. Support was noticed on daydream, and outside through art patrons. We’re on our way toward the second milestone. Which with 2 ongoing DnD group of 5 and 4 players , both uncovering new locations not seen in the story, i should be well ready for if we meet it. As for Eld, i am waiting to be well caught up with my work to plan what should be the next episode, at this points its likely january. And on work, it is customary for me to try to push on animations in november, as you will see below there is quite a few. If december will have a theme i do not know yet. Hesitating between revisiting the past, drawing artworks and characters from years ago, or do a fanart series of classic videogames. With the moth requests patreon event completes(below), we’re thinking of making the next one OC in winter outfits for january. If you’re on my patreon you will get to have a say before we begin. Lastly, i will be taking the weekdays off during the holidays so 24 to the 29th. If i can find a guest daydream artist i’ll take the 30th off too. Now to try to do all the commissions by the 23th to have peace of mind there. Busy busy, but hopeful. So, again, thank you!